Hansel Guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by fluffles, Oct 6, 2012.

  1. Yet another question. Bump. 
  2. LOL. Atleast your the one who gets pestered now and not me 
  3. :cry: lol if I kept all the questions on my wall it'd be all full of questions. Some noob even asked if I'm a mod :lol: :roll:
  4. Bump! :( so many questions to answer! :cry:
  5. Shamelessly bumping again
  6. Sorry bud there's only 3 levels for T4
  7. No **** 
  8. Is it worth in the short run to start converting to Volaries even if you aren't HLLC
  9. You have to LCD to build Volvaries.
  10. I have all maxed guilds in Ll. 2 lvl 2 volary and 1 lvl 1 volary and 5 lvl 5 s.o.s in hl.. Where do i go from
  11. Bumping along with t5 guide
  12. [​IMG]
    Oppa bumping style! :p
  13. Best thread ever!
  14. To anyone thinking you don't need to convert to SOS all at once- I made 27 mill per hit as all guild hansel. 18 mill now. 150% difference.
  15. You see kids. This is why you convert all at once. I made around 15 mill a hit converting one by one until I eventually gave up and dropped my sos to be guild hansel and convert one by one again losing well over 200 bill.
  16.  Making 30 bill a day again! :D
  17. :lol: PRO TIP: ally scam to top it all off. People are very gullible. :lol:
  18. What should I do
    I have 10 SOS lvl3
    5 Coe lvl3 and 1 lvl 2
    Rest all guild lvl 4
    Please help me how to get maximum plunder
  19. Awesome! Thanks for the guide!