Guide to Clans of KaW - The Highschool Version

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by AshesOfEden, May 4, 2016.

  1. Postman.. At Highschool

  2. Chaos reborn dragons

  3. This was ashes at prom

  4. Boyly Girls :lol:
  5. What's a high school?

  6. It's a school in the sky bro, don't you know anything?
  7. Rio.. You prom date just had a pregnancy scare..
  8. I wish, she's hotter than hell now.
  9. Is high school the place where I learn stuff after 4:20?
  10. Aztec and Black Hand here but no AWP?

  11. What clan's yearbook is this???

  12. When did cycling become such a close knit team sport in high school?? Wait, when did cycling become a sport at all?

  13. I found ATA Grants senior yearbook photo while searching through all this social media......

  14. We had an interview with your prom date...she said you were so nervous....

  15. I was, it went everywhere.

    That's how I know she wasn't pregnant
  16. It's OK. I was a three pump chump my first time in high school also

    This is what she looked like

    ....fortunately she was a real sweet heart and said. Awwwwww, that's OK.....
  17. lol :lol:
  18. Best tread so far yum yum
  19. I heard this was a clans highschool co-op course...they were learning the medical phase so I thought you would be interested in how our education system works....

  20. Ashes,

    This was the effect of monster garages cafeteria food....is that a fire extinguisher???