C wins the tiebreaker. CHAPTER 16 You have 90,000 gold, 2 lvl2 Guilds, 1 lvl3 Forge, 1 lvl3 Stables and a Defender banner. You attempt to defend your gold vaults and repel the invaders. Alas, you forgot your Forge's heavy siege towers are weak in defense. Your siege towers are crushed with ease by opposing beasts and infantry. Your cavalry are no match for the war elephants of your opponent. The attacking party pillage your gold vaults and take all your gold. Your Defender banner manages to repel some of the enemy troops and prevents your city from being destroyed by the enemy forces. You have lost this battle, but you will get vengeance sometime else. You now have no gold. Guide: The war has begun. Let us destroy our enemies! Our first objective is to try and sabotage their resource stockpiles. Without resources, they will be unable to continue fighting effectively. What would you like to do now in order to execute this plan? a) Send your army and launch a full-on attack to try and conquer their resource stockpiles. b) Scout the situation at the stockpiles and act accordingly. c) Try and steal some resources from the closest enemy resource stockpile.
CHAPTER 17 You have 0 gold, 2 lvl2 Guilds, 1 lvl3 Forge, 1 lvl3 Stables and a Defender banner. You send spies to scout all enemy resource stockpiles. It seems the nearest enemy stockpile is heavily guarded. Some of the stockpiles seem undefended. Are they traps? Guide: Since you have no gold at all at the moment, it would be wise to try and get as many resources from enemy stockpiles as possible. What will you do? a) Go to the nearest stockpile and attempt to conquer it. b) Attempt to steal resources from the nearest stockpile. c) Go along the path of least resistance and go to the stockpiles with little defense. d) Strengthen the defense of your own stockpiles.