Help with build!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by LiIy11111, Aug 26, 2012.

  1. Hello,forumers,I have gome to the forum today to ask for help on my build/MP.

    Question1:Is hybrid build better for EBs than hansel?

    Question2:Approximately how much gold do i need for MP?

    Question3:What EB should I be doing at my size?

    Question4:I like farming,Which build is best for farming?
  2. Maybe, i heard. Prefer hansel
    2b for ur size
    Pure spy
  3. Just stick to attack til lc, do t2 ebs. My clan does many t2 and a few t3 ebs, you can join here.
  4. I might after i get hooves.
  5. I would personally be running tfo at your size. If you can get in for items you can easily make 500m-1B an eb.

    Furthermore you only require about 1b in allies for MP.

    Spies would be the best for farming as previously stated.

    Not sure about the eb plunder comparison between builds. I doubt there is a huge difference, up to personal preference really.
  6. Im also looking for b2b tfo clans.If you know any,tell me.
  7. Ambush is actually better than TFO. If you can hit TFO you can hit ambush.

    If you feel youre not at mp just buy a small ally, hit again from full and see if it increases. If it does repeat until it doesnt. Once it stops increasing/doesnt increase youre at max.

    Both hybrid and hansel are good for eb's, although hansel is better for earnings per hit and hybrid is better for end bonuses. Marginally.

    Pure spy is best for farming, or a hansel, although warring with a hansel is hard. It takes time to master it.
  8. I was a hansel for 6months warring constantly.The only trick to it is self pinning.Really.
  9. There you go then
  10. Lol.Just kinda wondering if hybrid is easy to war with?
  11. No it gets battered. Youre easily picked off by everyone else but other hybrids
  12. Really?What about a balanced 50/50 spy/att build with all pots??
  13. Its stats arent high enough in either section to compete with attack builds or hansels/spies. Especially if the attacker is using pots, and/or mith.

    Although a high BFA could save you a bit.
  14. Ahh.Good point.
  15. If u think hybrid won't work just try me