 Destiny 

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by iDeception, Sep 15, 2014.

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  1. crucible rank 3 vanguard rank 3 dead orbit rank 1and iron banner coming soon
  2. put in vault man, use when u make titan. i got 2 exotic warlock chest pieces i cant use so made warlock lvl 2
  3. Just discard them inferno. You can use ascendent shards to upgrade exotic and legendary Armour.
  4. Treasure caves? I'm having poor luck with finding better light equipment outside of just buy in it from vanguard/ crucible.
  5. Caves gay.

    Destiney gay.
  6. Get off my thread idiot
  7. I got one of the exotic hand cannons, no good in crucible
  8. Personally I like the hand cannons and fusion rifles in the crucible. The only problem I have is with shots dropping for no reason. Other than that both weapons are pretty solid
  9. i use handcannons but i need an auto rifle. i got 24 and 4 with a rare. ill be beast with a legendary or exotic longs there is no camping
  10. lol devil serious on this topic. give her props xD
  11. If the hand cannons shot a little quicker they'd be good but if I don't initiate it I usually go down to auto rifles
  12. Spyro was amazing!
  13. For the exotic bounty, had to do devils lair 25x on lvl 8. Was torture!
  14. Ouch, 25x? That's bad but at least you can do it. I'm gonna have to solo a weekly strike for mine since the matchmaking for that seems to be broken. I find it extremely hard to believe that no one in the entire world is searching for that when I am.
  15. Weekly strikes are done with a fire team, no match making, I got to go through one again too... They're quite hard 
  16. Also try them with another person, I haven't been able to solo. Much easier when breaking up the aggro, especially with adds and trash
  17. i just finished my strike missions for bounty 25x now waiting on friday so i talk to xur and get my exotic fusion rifle
  18. They are fire team only? That's ridiculously stupid. Just like the vault of glass raid not having matchmaking. If it is built for a team then there should be matchmaking. No exceptions.
  19. Its built for skill. If you want a fire team, select the mission by the planet, or by the strike mission section. Vault of Glass and Weekly Strike are harder missions, hence needing to build your own team instead of putting you with similar leveled players.
  20. i agree but i like that its not since many have no mic.
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