If anyone wants to give me any pre-game advice, that would be fantastic! I plan to get Destiny whenever I have the money, but I desperately want it, to the point where I watched so many videos I pretty much know all the Beta missions by heart. My plan is to be a Titan, I realize they don't do as much damage as the Hunter, but that's the type of player I am. I like to get in people's faces, and being a Titan, the defense will help me tremendously. So, if you could pm me on what I should do, which subclass to pick, and where to farm for items, that would be much appreciated!
Eh, there's not much difference defence wise between each class. It's just which abilities you like best.
Hunter will **** up a titan any day if you compare abilities. Blade dancer is by far the most op ability in the game
Really Val? I thought the Hunter was more of the attack class, Titan was more of a tank class, and Warlock just kinda sat back and used abilities?
Idk in my experience the Titan is the most annoying...hunters are great in pvp no matter what class because golden gun is a one shot and blade dancer just bounces around killing people...I haven't tried the other races yet as I am a lvl 25 hunter/bladedancer
I plan to make a Hunter for just PvP, forgot to mention that. So I guess a better question would be, which class is better for the Campaign?
Each class has annoying things about them. Overwhelmingly hunter is weakest, in pvp at least. Bungie themselves acknowledged this and are working on ways to buff them.
So I'm somewhat happy and not happy they nerfed the loot cave. They basically said, "we don't want you to farm" in there official hot fix thead. Grinding for gear will be a nightmare now, especially for new gear. I hate to say it, but Bungie screwed up. Don't know about you guys, but I'm exhausted doing the strikes and the repetitive story missions. I've literally done devils lair 50 times in my current 200 hour destiny play through. Plus, they nerfed breaking queens gear for shards. What purpose do we have to do te bounties other then reputation now? /End Rant Also current progress: Lvl 28 Titan Lvl 28 Warlock Lvl 23 Hunter Will do a raid again today with my last character. Let me know if anyone is interested for a blitz run with my party.
The cave was an exploit. They never intended you to be able to sit in one spot and get everything you'll ever need quickly with little to no effort. As for the queen gear not dropping shards, that was an incredibly stupid move as there is absolutely no reason to do those bounties or missions.