 Destiny 

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by iDeception, Sep 15, 2014.

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  1. Xbox 1 server down on mine.....
    Guess I wait 2moro now
  2. It's working fine for me. They said they were doing a quick server maintenance and it logged me out but I was able to get right back in.
  3. Making my third and final character! Decided to save the best for last, making a hunter with blade dancer!

    So I'm highly disappointed, but it seems like I may have to break my maxed legendary gear on my 28, since I earned raid gear, and maxing the raid gear is the only way to break to level 30.

    Atm I have:
    Level 28 Titan
    Level 27 Warlock
    Level 7 Hunter

    I hope the loot cave gets nerfed soon btw. Aside from earning experience, and greens to break for raw materials - it serves no purpose for legendary farming. Focus is completing the raid and night strikes since I have earned multiple legendaries and exotics from completing em. Just my two cents, also haven't tried the queens bounties yet - they look lame.
  4. They're pretty lame. 3 blue items and a couple legendary emblems
  5. Anyone know what the Xbox 1 destiny update is?
  6. I don't know what you're talking about with the queens bounties. I've done them and the accompanying mission and gotten two separate pieces of legendary armor. you basically do the bounty to get an epic "strike" with what appears to be a guaranteed legendary. I'm only assuming but I would imagine that raising your rep with the queen could give you better gear, maybe a more reliable chance at an exotic?
  7. I haven't logged on yet, but I read Bungies forum, and apparently its a patch for Raids, Missions and armor. Nothing much other then reducing difficulty for some heroic missions, fixing bugs in raid and armor etc. So nothing too important lol.
  8. Just logged on to 360, the loot cave is nerfed and some missions have been balanced
    How? Please elaborate!
  10. Also Tom, I haven't given the queens bounties a shot or really looked Into them heavily like I said, but that's awesome! I only saw the vendor at the tower and she basically sells "rare blue guns" and basically thought it wasn't worth it lol.

    But I'll give it a shot when I have a chance thanks for heads up!
  11. Enemies drop gear associated with their level now, not yours. The loot cave was successful for 2 reasons, near instant respawn, and a bug that caused drops to be based on your level.
  12. Wait she has a store? :eek:
    Where is this???
  13. So this promotes killing higher level enemies now I presume? I hope this gives us more chances to earn legendary engrams from level 28 enemies on night strike.

    Also, I will give you destiny players a secret I just learned. One hidden chest in the raid, rewards exotics. I got a legendary sparrow and a exotic primary from running the raid twice today.
  14. Anyone on 360? Need help with the epic modifyer for the Queen's missions, I'm lvl 24
  15. Thane, depending on what equipment you have and the level you get you should be able to do it. Have you tried already or are you just going by the "very hard" label?
  16. Normally I'd be fine, I have an exotic pulse rifle, legendary chest, and rare everything else. My issue is the mission is for the Glack Garden. I was given no option to change difficulty, it came as very hard, lvl 24
  17. Lvl 27 warlock here... has anyone completed the vault of glass yet? I have watched a few videos and with 6 very competent gamers it seemed to take 6-10 hours straight gameplay time... a few friends and myself have leveled up at the same time and so far the game is enjoyable, definitely some grinding to collect items for gun/armor upgrades but its the acendent shards that are a pain to get ahold of.. hoping more with be dropping for strikes or something... watching the vault of glass brings my hopes up for new content they will be coming out with in the future, seems they have a lot they could do with this game.. anyways happy gaming ! Cheers
  18. I have it and I'm in love with it. I'm a warlock! My favorite type of gun is an auto rifle. I recommend this game to anyone that loves borderlands or halo.
  19. Thane, it says very hard but most of the missions are incredibly easy to solo. If you haven't tried it already just try it. You should be able to do it
  20. More people you have the harder it is. Howeverif you get kicked cus destiny's servers such, you lose all progress
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