Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by AshesOfEden, Oct 1, 2014.

  1. Washignton obamas
  2. Washington wolves
  3. Washington Sharpies

    Sharpies was a term for SHARP members. SHARP = Skin Heads Against Racial Prejudice. I just thought this would be ironic.

    P.S. As a side note Redskin is an extremely offensive term. It is not cause of the color of the skin directly though. In the 1800's Redskin was literally a term used to describe what was required to collect an open bounty on any Native American. If you killed a Native American in order to collect the bounty you had to provide a "redskin" which was literally a scalp of a Native American. So yeah... it's worse than just an identifier of the color of the skin. It literally is a word directly made through genocide.
  4. Washington sucks
  5. Redskins is the right choice.
  6. Washington Politically Corrects
    Washington Images
    Washington Sensitives
    Washington Scalpers
    Washington Tommahawls
    Washington Situations
    Washington Public Relations
    Washington Committees
    Washington Snookies
    Washington Red Wows
  7. Washington wankers
  8. Guess not, lame censors.
  9. Washington Seal Team 6

    They get the job done.
  10. Washington Iphone6's
  11. Washington Wake Up
  12. Washington Ebolians

    Washington We Don't Deserve a Name

    Washington #RGIIIs

    Washington We Waste Every Draft Pick's

    Washington We'll Give You a Free Win's

    Washington We're Gonna Get Bombed's

    Washington Why Do We Suck's

    Washington We Aren't Even The Best Team in Our State's GO RAVENS!!
  13. Washington Cherokees 
  14. Washington Whiteskins
  15. How about the Washington This Thread Is Stupid As Shits.?
  16. Washington Indians
    Washington Georges
    Washington Washingtons
    Washington who cares
    Washington we sucks
    Washington losers
  17. The Washington Down Low Brothers
  18. Washington Stovepipers
    Washington Redwoods
  19. House.
