@Alex lvl 1 cost 3.75b lvl 2 7.5b and lvl 3 15 so all together 26.25b and this is for all the T4 buildings ~THEMONSTER
@com yes there are plenty but nt all go to those and sometimes those ppl aren't on just trying to help thank you ~THEMONSTER
@ pop zo·ro·as·tri·an·ism/ˌzôrōˈastrēəˌnizəm/ Noun:A monotheistic pre-Islamic religion of ancient Persia founded by Zoroaster in the 6th century bc.
@alex I prefer hansel as I can take ppl twice my size down but it depends on ur taste really ~THEMONSTER
Oh forgot to add Zoroastrianism is also considered a philosophy but the was the google definition ~THEMONSTER
@Themonster wasn't incorrect but wasn't really descriptive either.. On average every minute how many hire me's or variations of hire me are said in the wc?
@pop thts because I posted a more descriptive one but while it was sending iPod died and I got lazy and I'd say from the past few mins tht 6.3p/m
@Alex a hansel usually needs to use pots and make less during the battle of ebs but bigger bonus in the end