Endurance Tournament

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -WaterY-, Apr 8, 2013.

  1. How many people have signed up?
  2. When will it start?
  3. No one has signed up yet, I have a shortlist with roughly 40 people on it, contact me to get added, it will be held just after the rancor season. And it will be insane
  4. BUMPThis will be memorable
  5. Why no alts?
  6. Alts make it easier inside of the clan for you to win, i.e having two accounts out of 50 is much easier to last til the end, and simply have one leave.
    Feel free to use them outside, it's pretty much going to be KaW vs 50. Too much fun ;)
  7. Do you know the dates of when this is going to start?
  8. Right after estoc trials, at the beginning of June, I will be updating/creating a thread with info on how to finalise sign-up, where to go, and date.
    No entrance fees on the first tournament so may attract noobs, I can guarentee the tournaments that require an entrance fee will be insane.
  9. I mean could just one account sign up but it be your alt?
  10. Oh yes your alt can sign up that's no problem, I might have to re-word that to one account per person ;) although I can't guarentee it lol
  11. Great idea support
  12. Good idea, but These kinds of things never get much support, sadly. All the best of luck making this a success.
  13. This time the organiser is 100% behind the event and will guarentee it a success.
  14. Sign me up.

    Couple of suggestion.

    You said monitor pots. Only morons who are stuck in he old days of kaw keep an insane amount of def pots. And even then, someone like myself, who has a handful of alts and the ability to Max xstal at will, can burn a persons sdp through a single night.

    Monitoring "activity". Monitoring hits and loses isnt really that accurate. Many purposely act inactive during times of war to make themselves much hard to track and/or will purposely change activity patterns to through others off. A change in win/lose doesn't mean anything except that the player won or lost an attack. Doesn't mean they were active.

    Just a couple things to think on. Can't wait. 
  15. It is probably the most challenging thing about organising this - activity, I just don't wish to have dead competitors.
  16. Bump for viewer purposes
  17. I still want in, and keep my 1st place prize money ready
  18. You ain't got a chance rouge
  19. Maybe to judge activity require a pm every 24 hours from participants. Or have an alt account that they have to wall every 24.

    Otherwise it's gonna be nearly impossible to track