That was part of the fun. There weren't that many clans created during that time, and even less that survived. Forums were a buffer to weed out fail clans. Once clan system was released, everyone and their mother had their own clan. I miss the like 20 clans of old that were just superpowers
It's funny because people are always raging at the new updates but in the end, learn to like them. Seth
@sch I know a lot of older players that I actually take time to listen to. I've also read a surprising amount of history over 19 months of KaW. Crim, that was when there were fewer people. Eventually, good forum clans would have been crushed by sheer weight of numbers. Look at forums today :s
Who do you see liking the updates besides noobs of that era? Just because people still play doesn't mean the approve of the updates, but there is nothing a single player can do to change the game, so you learn to DEAL with it, approve of it
Chain of events: 1)How many players would stick around if epics were gone and we went back to pwars? 2) how many people would stick around if pwars were gone and we went back to battle list and inactives? 3)How many people would stick around if we eliminated system wars? 4)Finally, of those still here, how many would stick around if clans were nerfed? My guess is kaw was a smaller place because of the features, not the time period.
Complaing works sometimes, I mean thats how KotFE and many other clans came to be. We raged against the devs and were victorious! But seriously, most people just learn to accept the changes and move on.
Feedback doesn't always work however, reviews in the apple store and 1 stars do, Assassins Guild and Zaft have both used this medium to show our disatisfaction, also consider that ATA are currently advertising KAW in other applications, I would imagine that this would have a detrimental effect on potential new clients/players. Just my tuppence worth, hit them where they hit you!! Assassin Assassins Guild.
Yes jig NAZ is a great guy I bet this update was Justin's idea to screw me Hmm my items are not perm I can now leave 1 suit of amour at home Why make double items u can equip , should have called one a amour reinforcement plate or something ,
Good point SIN I'm off to app store to do some rating... Then I might stipe someone who likes this BS update
Yes that will prevent more noobs from joining. Lets farm the ones that do EBs all year long too and we'll be back to our 2009 original funny game
Did someone already point out that the max before this update was actually 43/38/43/38, not 43/33/43/33? I had 43/38/43/33 before the update, was only missing one of the EB perms. Just relax dudes. It's a game. If you're freaking out about losing 5% to a couple stat bonuses, you really need to get your head on straight. It might be annoying, but it's not actually that big a deal.
tmh it's the principle. As for no big deal, we have had osw over LB players having a single Allie hired off them, and I bet their bfa didn't drop 5%. The fact is, and even WULF acknowledges it, is that this update has introduced a retrospective change to the game. All this drama coukd have been avoided had the developers put bonus items in the same category as propack items. I'm more surprised that the Mods who had input into this update didn't see this as flawed.
@schsmi a lot of ppl did the resets before the plunder war time without doing volley transfer and abusing nobs. They did it by hitting people and generating cash and doing it the hard way. Make an account and try doing 4 resets like that. See how long it takes. Then tell me instead of running ur mouth off