@sch Oh yes a good chunk of them do. Maybe not forumers, which is all you can apparently comprehend, but they're out there. @drag You're implying that EVERYone will do 4 lc/resets? Orlynao. I strongly challenge that.
@jig this game has more players and the devs are making more money then ever the game is not dying. It's evolving and you don't like it.
Land completion, when done before ep and pwars was extremely hard, due to the fact that there were real battles and hatreds running, now lbers who sunk money into the game instead of resetting and sinking cash into it will be on a par with those of us who have put time effort and and a sense of strategy into our gaming. ATA need to get the original devs back on and listen to the players. As for the mods assisting with this update all I can say is perhaps get some more experienced players that can see beyond their inflated kaw identities. Please remember there's a whole wealth of knowledgeable players who have in my opinion a better grasp of the mechanics of the game than the newer devs, why not try approaching them before upsetting the people that pay your wages ATA. SIN
Drag even red star only has two resets and #2 has none. People r buying their way to the top and now the only chance of people who don't spend money on the game of getting on the lb is pretty much gone
@sch The updates piss of and screw the older players who actually PLAY, in exchange for profit and making the noobs happy. Often after confusing them for a week or two or four or 52.
@Toast the game is evolving and they don't like it so they are going to get pissed. It's natural. As for the devs I'd do the same thing the point of owning something is to make profit.
Sch what is the game evolving into? Kingdoms at EBs or Kingdoms of hitting an inactive osf??? Wheres the "war" part gone?
How can you really just now be ranting about this. They said what they were going to do a few days ago and it received loads of "support". Kaw players today are as ignorant and selfish as ever. They wait to complain, sometimes on purpose, I believe. But nevertheless, I agree. This update screws anyone that actually took the time to reset a few times... In all, what's easier? Resetting 4 times or fighting epics, while making gold, and having the chance at basically the same item.
Crim, they're essentially punishing those who sacrificed [time and growth] and giving to those who were merely growing [off of big ebs]. (not arguing, by the way. Jut expanding your point.)
@9a7 I cannot tell you for I am not a dev or mod, but the war aspect has been lost to most places which takes away most of the fun this game has to offer. Now if you don't like it get the **** out.
@Toast, that's what they always do. It seems that the game is always being expanded to widen the gap between the elite, and everyone else. Ever since the HL/T4 combo came out, the gap has been rapidly increasing
For a pwar noob who's never even been in a war, you're remarkably vocal against them. Sch. Maybe actually do one before being a butthurt noob about them.
I raised my concerns with NAZ in a pm and he asured me that it would be fixed. But here we are should have been fixed before relesed. I know NAZ is a great guy and he dosent control these things. The poor guy gettin allota heat about something he cant control. How did all these so expirenced mods miss this. Oh been playin half the time as some of us. JLGSAWCR/KOTFEBOSS
Thanks for the heads up thread JlGSAW. 100% support. Resetting was hard work. Items were supposed to be permanent. Devs cant change terms. Simple as that. -> Giskard's solution should be applied asap Jurza The French Knights - veteran
@toast I have been in wars before. Everycsingle kind except mwar. How about you learn something about someone before you "know" ****?