@Schsmi, not on the account your using you haven't, as the only equitable item you have is armpit from EB. Even this my noob alt has 2 resets where the others have 4. Guess the update stops forum noobs from bull-********, that's good at least
Devs why dont you send me a email telling me a wasted my time and money just to kick me a little more!
@true your right I haven't on this account for I was BC on this account before I learned about resetting and didn't want to atm
@Drail why shouldn't it be who has the most items? The people who do have reset lc many times so it is only fair instead of making 4 lc resets and months of work useless!!
You're missing the point whatever your name is. Some of these items aren't random eb drops, they're ones people had to work their ass off for. I don't see how anyone could support this in principle. Basically ATA has instantly equated a players months of hard work with another's random chance.
Well think about it, eventually everyone will be the same with the same items. So there wouldn't be a point of items in the future