Old or not ( whether a few weeks is considered old is another argument ), it's still true and hilarious that he got away with it !! * tips hat for ingenuity
Phil, please keep us updated on the latest from this situation. I agree, iProphet is proving his might. But, please toss up some SS of all the PM's from Warlor members. That would make this thread awesomer.
Agreed throw in some Warlor ss. That would add some drama. And drama sells in the news business. Come on philo. You're slipping. In other breaking news, I stripped my clan, 46, prior to it being my clan. You never reported in on that philo. I'll do ya solid though. While valor and I were seeing who had a bigger kaw(Val does, but only by like half an inch) we noticed something. Our weaknesses are each others strengths. Being on good terms with one another would seem to prove more beneficial than staying enemies. It's pretty typical iProphet mo, philo. Last clan this happen with was a lil ole clan called Regulators. They went from Pw/eb heros to straight up bad ass osw warriors. Perhaps this is history repeating itself. If you want to report, philo, why don't you bump your Lr/iG thread since that war looks to be flaring back up, or have you not been informed yet?
I don't like op and I don't know prophet that much. When I read the op my first thought after reading was "I'm hungry. I'll make some nachos." So. I replaced popcorn with nachos and now I'm munching away watching this. Yay.
I sure can, though you've not really done anything to my alts if you want though, go join -the-wolves- and you can help them target me they know all my alts and instead of being their cheer boy you could maybe keep one of my "alt'z" pinned...cause they sure can't. :lol: