iProphet was originally cast as the lead in 24 but after saving the world in 12 minutes and 56 seconds the director cut him from casting.
iProphet was the final boss in the original Legend of Zelda game, but zelda chose iProphet over Link, so Nintendo moved in a different direction.
You realize you are the joke of KaW, right? At first, it started as legit what was happening in KaW. Now you take OLD screenshots and use them to make up stories, so you can get the attention you crave. It's sad. Your credibility is completely gone. Now everything you post, I will take as a sad attempt for attention and not truth. Good job, Phil.
iProphet has a grizzly bear carpet in his living room. The bear isn't dead. It's just afraid to move.
Yeah because Warlor WarHounds was super full before iProphet joined. Then even though iProphet sucked in all his EEs they're still pushing members out to let him and his crew war. I dunno maybe that guy is disgruntled because he cannot war since they have better EE warriors. Although honestly dunno how well iProphet EEs never fought against or with him in EE.
iProphet can divide by zero. iProphet once stripped RedStar of all his gold in an hour, then proceeded to volley transfer all that gold back and more to his alt RAMBO. That's why RedStar changed his alt's name ;P