Valuable lessons learned during the PvP Promo

Discussion in 'Wars' started by O_o_____Frog____o_0, Nov 29, 2014.

  1. THIS IS TRUE TOO. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  2. Didn't stay nameless?. Forgiven.
  3. stealing successfully has its benefits, unlesscyou have the darn sword
  4. You don't get banned unless there's a reason too lol.

  5. I was pinned just about the whole time during the pvp event by people that were like 15 mil cs and up.

    That is a reason I only got 110 shards lol
  6. Notice would've been nice but regardless it was fun. We actually found out some of our OSW targets hadn't abandoned their accounts after posting cutesy butthurt banners haha

    Looking forward to next one until then it's back to stripping. Contrary to what some self proclaimed 'warriors' seem to think, hitting mp hansels doesn't accomplish much in OSW although the wall rants are cute.

    Overall best event in a long time 
  7. This. :lol:
  8. I like how so many PS accounts thought they were safe sleeping with troop building sold. Definitely had a good amount of shards from this.

    I also learned being on call is the worst possible thing for end of event hours. :lol:

    Congratulations to all those who cleared me in those last hours and Congrats to all those who fought.

    Also learned alot of people cry about 5 hit rule and honoring it. :lol: I'm Sorry if you paid well and weren't pinned. Everyone should've figured 5 hit rule was out the window. Especially if you decided putting an entire clan on me was best idea while you were still paying better than me. :D

    Either way had a blast during this event seeing how any clans I could get to sit on me and whose sword I could steal. :lol:
  9. Anyone else find it funny that during the event, it was people who warred and were in osw clans that complained about the "5 hit rule" and then clan farmed someone for hitting more than 5 times , when it started as a friendly 1vs1? I thought osw clans and warriors were all about the 1vs1 . This event showed me , THAT IS NOT TRUE. Most couldn't even take a hit without getting butt-hurt like they spent the night with Michael Jackson.
  10. Well done! I am so bitter that I didn't think of rule #3. Would have broken it right away. Respect to you for going there! Great post.