Valuable lessons learned during the PvP Promo

Discussion in 'Wars' started by O_o_____Frog____o_0, Nov 29, 2014.

  1. i learnt that eb fairy family clans think they look intimdating declaring OSW on me for farming shards lol
  2. @AteShards

    We know. Lol you're a huge reason Warlor did so well in this promo. I tagged you with at least 4 xstals. 
  3. You will know how addicted you in KAW very well. lol
  4. I learned that of you're really sleepy n you're with the sword pass it as soon as possible. Cause sword is evil.
  5. You probably would increase your tracker abbility. lol
  6. i learned that sword is evil, makes you do things would not normally do.

    Tried just returning inc at the start, til i got a sword, pretty much you needed to treat it like war/osw to get anyware.

    Met some cool people through the event and got to test my build out which was cool.

    Unless im wrong for the most part after the event the hits stopped and back to normal, which is very cool as i really would not want to do it for the next year. Mad respect to osw clans.
  7. My only comment will be that farming players is not funny...its more funny to go to bl and give one hit to find who is the best for paying shards....during three days i was farmed by three hansels....i dont understand this...they think that they are better players doing that or their madness for getting the shards became them crazy...anyway i enjoy the event a lot using the bl with hit and run to next player
  8. I learnt that this event gave me more inc than some osw clans in osw :lol:
  9. ;-;
  10. yeah i learnt very quickly the 5 hit rule was out the window in this event but lots of kaw didnt

    Also learnt running up and down rosters seeing who paid the best shards in the last day of event wasnt clever  thank you for that beautiful mass inc Secret Servicei lost a LOT of shards

    Also learnt Sylv from DL is one tough cookie after getting a rough ride from Kotfe 

    Most of all i learnt that so many clans made their members go clanless for the event - sad times 
  11. @Vix

    Yeah I got some Secret Service love the last day as well. What I did was hit from pin, squeezing as many shards I could out of targeted hansels. When I believed they were off me I ran an xstal on AteShards (spies) then burned troops as fast as I could on random targets. Got caught occasionally, but mostly safe. Most xstals were in the last 45 min for maximum effect.
  12. 5 hit rule

    I stripped people to open them up at least 8x during event lol
  13. Support the stupidity of sh.

    Two hit me whilst I slept for a few hours then cried when I used them as pin cushions for the rest of the week.

    If you don't want to be hit by bigger players stay out of their news feed.

    I'm only sorry how quickly kaw returned to it's pre event state after event was over.
  14. Lol I sat on deathgod all week and a few other Ssh.

    They were great to pin on.
  15. Congrats on the top ten finish Troll!
  16. Obviously the best thing about the promo, as with any OSW, is it teaches us where we need to upgrade

  17. THIS IS SO TRUE. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  18. It taught me pvp only occurs in events
  19. Perfect place to hide is clanless, maybe some clans did not want the extra attention, but seems like a good idea if you dont have links everywhere to you.

    (just sad i could not stay nameless in your newsfeed)