Have monster alliances killed major OSW

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Waterr, Jun 21, 2013.

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  1. @zero(little bus)....you and yours did absolutely nothing in that OSW. I remember several of your players came over to 7-LUST-7 during the fight. Iam not gonna name any names....you know who you are. Saying that you were not returning any inc at all. That you were Pot Burning. Telling us we were not gonna be successful...because we were doing it wrong. You bent over and grabbed your ankles the whole OSW. Only thinking about protecting yourself. While others stood fast and fought with a vengeance. And in the end....you DESTROYED the 7DS family! And ALL the hard work and countless hours Stoirin and Desmo put into Lust. X-Lust members can stand TALL today.....you...well...just sit the funk down dude...because your all mouth as usual.
  2. This is getting good. Popcorn time.
  3. Yeah because you're classy Zero lmao no need to pm you. I don't hold back! I said what I wanted to say! I love Regs. I'm just sorry that they accepted garbage like you!
  4. If you think I give 2 shits about your opinion or anyone else's your dead wrong! I'm just sick of watching you run around forums as if you are relevant!
  5. I hope all of law believes you stor. After all I am the biggest noob in kaw. .

    I don't even strip farm people. No no no. I'm totally against that 

    Can I volley you 10t to teach me this game? I'm still building forges...please hire me 
  6. You are such an ass lol your arrogance is amusing at best!
  7. Anybody of importance knows the truth and what a snake in the grass you are! Go lie to somebody who is gonna fall for your holier than thou bollocks! I'm done with your worthless ass!
  8. 
  9. Ok stor. Go crawl back under the rock you came from.

    You have no respect. I get it. But at least respect the alliance between regs and aah.

    I'd think that even you could understand the inappropriateness of your posting here.

    Anyone that wants to ask me what happened in pm is welcome too. Ive got plenty of ss to back it all up 

    Wait. Noobs don't take ss do they??? Daayyyuummmmm. """". Mindblown 
  10. It's me that killed OSW. I strike fear into everyone's hearts and they avoid my anger.
  11. You've never done anything that could blow my mind Zero. I'm sure your wife says the same so go **** yourself little man.
  12. Bless u 2 nooblets moaning as normal
  13. And I'm out your half wit pre school insults have bored me...yawn... You don't hurt my feelings. So nice to see how deep I get under your skinttfe
  14. So deep under my skin that I'm laughing 

    We'll let the good forumers of kaw judge who is raging. 
  15. Damn two former clan leaders of the same family throwing feces at eachother.

    I guess goodwill only lasts as long as you are clannies and have mutual interests.

    This is better than tv reality show :lol:
  16. that all you got?
  17. Ok ok I'm leaving this thread. I'm bored!
  18. Thought you where gone stor? You must miss me or something. Trolling my forum threads and all. 
  19. I'm so unimportant you took time out of your busy day to post my thread 10x.

    You make a thread please, so I can post and be famous and get respect wall posts
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