Have monster alliances killed major OSW

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Waterr, Jun 21, 2013.

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  1. And lmao Rhoda, truth. 
  2. D. All the above
  3. Isn't ironic your in one of these alliances?
  4. Regs can and have warred 1 clan vs 1 or 1 clan vs 5-10. Our alliance is by far smaller than:

    UMBRELLA CORP (46 clans)
    OG alliance
    APOC Family

    We have roughly 700-800 members in WDGAF ( that you know of ( not counting ireg's Alts ).

    Go scan our rosters and see how many LB you see. Lol. You can count them on one hand

    But rest assured, We know how to war and the length of a war is meaningless. Our last war with OG alliance was a fun one and our first as WDGAF.

    Regs are in a 1 v 1 war at the moment ichaos. And we aren't even using all our regs clans. 1 clan v 1 clan. . Do some research before you spout off 
  5. Major Alliances Have Not Killed OSW As We Saw At The Beginning Of The Year 4 Of The Major Alliances All Warred Each Other Since Then Look At This Section Of Forums U Will See A New Osw Almost Daily They Just Dont Get The Same Publicity As ZAFT OG WDGAF APOC Because There Not As Well Known The Families That Make Up The Major Alliances Are The Oldest Clans In The Game And The Only Other Cla. That Gets The Same Attention On Forums Is Yafi There Is Still Osw Just Smaller Scale Than It Used To be
  6. Zero I am curious where you are finding the statistics that Umbrella Corporation has 46 clans. Do you mean families? Or sub's and brother/sister clans as well?
  7. Please refrain from bypassing on forums, next time will be a 24hrs forum ban.

    Edit bypass to make it censored, also going to remove the original post.
  8. Goshard, caps have specific rules. Please use those rules, if you do not understand refer to this website: WWW.Isuckatgrammer.com
  9. In my view :)
    3.Umbrella Corp
    5.oG alliance( they are pretty good)
  10. I'm looking forward to Zaft vs Umbrella :) would be a nice osw to watch
  11. I'm looking forward to the day people not involved in wars stop having opinions.
  12. 

    And to godshand, his phone is crazy, nothing w can do about
  13. oG is newish compared to others
  14. Not really, only the tag is, but every single clan has a lot of osw experience, an awesome leadership and most clans has been allied before the tag oG came out.
  15. We have not killed osw you can osw all you want try asking for just a 1v1 instead of assuming, if you just wage osw and not ask for 1v1 then you will get the while family vs 1
  16. What's osw.
  17. Off system war, basically farming but with order
  18. Really I didn't know that? So you need an acronym instead of just saying war.... Ahh I understand
  19. Pretty much and it sounds cool
  20. And zero i wouldn't refer to us as "monster alliance" just big
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