Have monster alliances killed major OSW

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Waterr, Jun 21, 2013.

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  1. Hope this makes sense lol here we go.

    In my opinion, as many others, OSW died because nobody wants to miss out. Zaft and apoc, oG and WDGAF both mutual CF right before the ee wars right?

    Another part if that when clans get to big, no one will hit them. My BL is almost all zaft right now, with a couple other clans I've never heard of. Imagine that, 80% of my BL being zaft, or another big clan alliance, it's starting to favor big alliances. OSW has stopped mainly because there isn't really many clans that can war without bringing in help, and nobody wants to farm an EB clan.
  2. The first day of kaw was the ****. The noobs started coming on the second day though, and its never been the same since.
  3. But you are a noob D3vil...
  4. I can be considered a vet at the same time
  5. LR and BH have a 1 v 1, although about half of bh (including owner) is currently residing in the clan: oG Alliance 
  6. Tired of hearing about that. Shut up.
  7. Is iprophet still happening?
  8. hearing about what? bh running? yeah, it does happen a lot.

    but anyways, big alliance osw is fun...they can do bigger strips easier...more funds and more accts = bigger, more successful strips. so personally, i enjoy both 1 v 1, and alliance v alliance wars
  9. Ah ... A satisfyingly good read on Forums! Well done OP . That is not sarcasm , that is genuine gratitude.
  10. Zaft are big headed morons #Fact #ComeAtMeBro
  11. I agree a bit. It's hard to war without dealing with a **** load of kaw politics. Hit one person, owner of clan gets half a million pm's lol
  12. Oh well seriously then I'll put down my plastic fork.
    ZAFT is an old family clan of nice ppl. They are not farmers of fiends. Don't hate what you don't know. Especially you statless gutless Alts.
    The recent mutual CF was amongst peers, who enjoy war. We do not seek total destruction of Rivals we look forward to our next war. We are surrounded by some great war clans,
  13. and some epic battle parking lots. Our leaders rarely speak but when they do it's factual and polite.
    The forum seems to associate osw with smack talk we don't.
  14. Since I've been in CR we have been in a number of OSW's 1v1 and don't go running to our alliance. A lot of stuff happens that people don't see because not every clan demands forum attention when warring.

  15. Hi Dionise 
  16. Apologies on behalf of the monsters in the game
  17. Hey LastRelapse rrrrawww or something like that
  18. ₭ᎧϮʄع
  19. Lol fun thought for the day!

    Apoc-ZAFT VS. WDGAF, umbrella, OG.

    Now there would be a crazy fun war lol  how do you even begin to coordinate that?? 
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