Have monster alliances killed major OSW

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Waterr, Jun 21, 2013.

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  1. Right before and during the beginning of EE wars there were some good osw's going on.

    Just throwing that out there...
  2. Yeah. I was in one epic 
  3. First Foxes v iG war was the ****. I miss THAT KaW.
  4. I'm stabbing myself for being a part of ruining off system wars, ouch ouch ouch **** ouch ouch ouch
    With plastic fork ouch ouch owe **** ouch ouch
  5. It's totally your fault Dio
  6. I'd say it has a lot more to do with all the other things going on in KaW. EE, new lands, equipment and enchanting. As well as the cost of war increasing with new defense pots and the need for the new attack pots it takes to get through the new pots and equipment.

    There wasn't much else going on before except for PWars and then Eb's. You could afford the time to sink 6 months into OSW, and not worry about falling behind. Not many players who aren't blowing cash on nobs can't sit around and do that.

    I'm not so concerned with hitting a player in a huge alliance, as I am with getting tied up in a 3-6 month OSW and those dirty monkeys shoving a ton of updates down our throats that I'm falling behind on.

    Just my .02.
  7. Running haunting while in OSW can actually keep the war running longer. 6 months... Farout
  8. The thing is ZERO is in a 1v1 of clans "Family clans come in. So say Ur a clan of 80 ppl and u war a clan of 90 and they have 2 fsmy clans with 90. Ur now outnumbered 3 to 1. Not many can handle that. So after u get "burnt" on that u ally other clans to prevent it.

    Hope that made sense
  9. Not really. The alliance I'm in, oG, last war we targeted one clan while helping other family if they started losing

    We reinforced areas and when we needed help, others would help.

    A monster alliance is hard to maintain

    You rely on experienced admins and owners to make it work well
  10. Ouch ouch eek **** ouch ouch ouch
  11. Sounds kinky.
  12. Let's just say zaft is a monster an the only way to kill a monster is another monster an there isn't one on kaw any more so osw are over. Also ally inflation has already started which means we are all screwed over. So I suggest we all commit kaw sucide an hit a zaft member . I'll do it will you
  13. Protake also had their alliance like way of the dragon it was only cr outlawz and voodoo during that war
  14. Do you remember when an osw victor was dictated by the owner of the clan posting a surrender wall posting on the other clan owners wall.


    The good ol' days.
  15. I don't really care who I hit. I guess you'd call me a statless main. I hit BL. you may notice that I'm not in a clan... it's because when you hit someone and their 10mil cs buddy comes by, you can laugh at them cuz they're too big to hit you, and they have no clan to hit (and also because clans expect you to be active and I'm really not...) but if I wanted to grow, i'd farm a haunt. I just don't really care to do that. but if ZAFT wants to farm me, go ahead. it's just pixels.
  16. Your too small to farm Assclown.
    War is business
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