Look! A NoOb on your Left! 10 o'clock!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by O_o_____Frog____o_0, Mar 16, 2013.

  1. Look at the EB fairy  mighty big EB fairy
  2. Oh wait a second!
    -puts equipment back on-
    Okay go 
  3. Scout bomb
  4. Not impressed 
    Pinned btw
  5. Frog is annoying. ._.
  6. I'm the noob, right? o_O
  7. Meh and yeah u did manage to pin me before I was able to pin on you
  8. I might be the noob, Beast! :<
  9. You failed. I don't screw around 
  10. No EB to pin on 
  11. LOL. Rude. Quest if your wanting to cower that hard 
  12. Yeah I will ppl in handcuffs scare me
  13. Sorry for disturbing :eek:
  14. 
  16. Wow I can't believe frog is sitting right next to me on my left. This is a stupid thread..
  17. Don't you just love it when someone pretends that they're not butthurt by adding or XD XD at the end of every post :roll:
  18. Yeaaaah I have totally noticed that! ^
  19. HELP 
    i'm surrounded by nOObs

     Cowabunga