Hazzy's Hideout

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Hazzernater, Aug 27, 2014.

  1. Why have you disappeared the other sluards need moral support.

  2. Beeamear I bet you don't even know what sluard that is. And kitten better not be crazy cat person from FC he's not allowed in kaw !
  3. I miss Koneko-Chan. That dude was amazing. And probably a dev 

    Potter, I think you mean... potty-pants.

  4. said no one ever
  5. I want colorful txt. How
  6. [color=whichevercoloryouwant*] then you type your post then you end with [/color*] take out the asterisks
    if I knew how to link other posts I'd do it... #INeedMyMooMoo
  7. What color do you want Tyler? Potter did a thread showing all the colors on the new forums.

  8. He is the unwanted sluard so that makes him the best.
  9. We don't know what is going on, we are finding potter2K14
  10. Was only farmed religiously by 1 guy in FC
  11. And im sorry about that hazzy
  12. It's ok Mbbb. You did the right thing.

  13. How are we all? :cool:
  14. moo moo has been found!
  15. really potter?
  16. potter is the king of being a god
  17. Hello everyone!

    I am back....Again!
  18. Told ya Potter shows up when he is unwanted.
  19. Potter is always wanted