Hazzy's Hideout

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Hazzernater, Aug 27, 2014.

  1. Sounds like you're a pro, teach him 
  2. Beymer I never give up on a lady
  3. Believe me when I say I am no female. 
  4. I do not recall
  5. He's still here
  6. Very much enjoyed the splash of colour on this thread 
    As a result of this I'm going to use this colour
  7. going back to recolor all posts is a pain in the buttox! Sluard will devote all resources to finding MooMoo after we find Sluard #9...

    @Beemear you have cooties and everyone knows only girls have cooties
  8. ah okay, I tracked him down in the end ^.^
  9. Absolute reckoning banter boys
  10. FC. I kicked your arse
  11. #FindMooMoo2014. Prize for the winner (being all of Sluard #9s secret "trophies" - ie, locks of hair he has snipped off unsuspecting folk on the subway).

    Who was Foxy in FC?
  12. \(*-*\) \(*-*)/ (/*-*)/ <(•.•<) <(•.•)> (>•.•)>

    Dance Partayyy 
  13. soo...I finally stumbled on this thread. what's going on :|
  14. ^ Idek I just got here too
  15. Hi Kitten and Shaktira,

    A wizard hunt.
  16. Off to hogwarts we go...
  17. I just realized if you say "Diagon Alley" really fast, its just "diagonally."

  18. The potter heads are gonna come out of the woodworks now 
  19. I just realized diagon alley is diagonal from the true england streets.

    So much win here.
  20. Potter will be Potter and turn up in the places when he is not welcome so if we make this feel unwelcoming to him he will turn up. Let the Potter hating begin.