We all know the Patriots are going to repeat! Where are the sluard hoards ? Wc has gotten boring The sluards have taken me hostage I'm locked in back of Prius
Recently, some scientists came up with a plan to capture cow farts. No joke, grants and everything. They made a fart bag, that captures all Cow Fart and Burp Methane Gas, in one bag. It's about enough to power your fridge for one whole day. And even though this might sound crazy as hell, if my cheeseburger can also be the thing to power storing my cheeseburger, I am not going to complain. But imagine, if you stuck a hole in the bag on the cows back, and lit it, you could have a rocket cow! Which could theoretically MAKE YOUR CHEESEBURGER DELIVER YOUR CHEESEBURGER TOO!!! Oooh... a conundrum. I imagine cow court going something like this Farmer: " you have been found guilty of being farty, fleshy, and delicious. As punishment for your gasiness, you shall choose your final contribution to society before being consumed by your bi-ped overlords. Will you use your farts to cook yourself? Or use your farts as rocket fuel to deliver your brethren before succumbing to the same fate? you have one hour to decide" I'm pretty sure researchers get bragging rights for securing funds for ridiculous experiments. It's like showboating on a slam dunk. "Dr Bourneswoth! Good to see you. I heard you ran out of money on the cancer cure you were looking into. So close to completion too. Pity, that. Did I tell you about my million dollar grant to determine if sharks like pornography?"
I heard from semi reliable source sluards...daph,..several others are all actually shadymarine or was it he is actually ski net dang tin foil hat is to tight let me get back to you
I never get cool system failures. I am honestly thinking ATA made their own server just for Ol' Willy. Still waiting, Admin bruh.....
The broken promise to you gives me as much pain had such a nefarious thing occurred to me. I weep for you loss, sir. kaw_admin has something reeeel to answer for now. Its bad enough that they love kale chips, raw zucchini, and poached goji berries, but this... this is unspeakable.
Of course I am! And I'm always here, whenever you need me to post on this thread! Also, hi there Daphnia and Willy! Happy 1 year and 1 day of Hazziversary!