Hazzy's Hideout

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Hazzernater, Aug 27, 2014.

  1. You devil Wolfie  yes. If you are prepared to see the magic of Nic cage acting a magical musician.
  2. What ? My horns hold my halo up I'm angel, and I'm always ready for you daph 
  3. She has no soul, but that doesn't mean she has no heart.
  4. Could anyone help with fantasy football? 
  5. what ya need help with?
  6. I haven't done any research :lol: any sleeper picks/players to avoid?
  7. no Johnny Manziel. Tbh I haven't been researching either.
  8. :lol: I would laugh if someone picked Johnny Manziel as one of their first picks.

    And aww, my draft day is today :/
  9. Adrian Peterson is worth a middle round fly 
  10. i have a good lineup this season (i hope). Tannehill,Charles,Bell,Cobb,Jones,Cooks,Packers D, And Bryant. And a bunch of alright people on the bench.

    Want to wait till preseason start other leagues.
  11. Best RB duo in the league I bet. 
  12. Bryant the kicker. Not the cowboys crybaby. But yeah best rb duo.
  13. Hai everyone!

    I am back to Hazzy's Hideout! It's been a while since I last posted here!

    Also, I got 1 Horn of Calydor in yesterday's coffer box drop!
  14. I like spaghetti
  15. I like Japanese Chicken Rice!

  16. I could eat spaghetti all day everyday.

    Sean i also like japanese chicken rice long time no see
  17. What is this Japanese chicken rice you speak of?!
  18. I don't play fantasy football but I would say QB Rogers, RB Mccoy, WR Bryant. The rest idk.
  19. Hard to believe football season is upon us

    Slayer  How your Lions gonna do lol
  20. Thanks for asking shady. Lets just say i already got that 2016 SB Winners tattoo