Hazzy's Hideout

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Hazzernater, Aug 27, 2014.

  1. Arizona.... Why?

    California deserves to have a Putin face.
  2. Arizona does not do daylight savings time... it screws me up everytime i have a layover there.

    California is horrible. 100°f + weather. But occasionaly they will get horrible hot sticky rain... and the next day back to blazing heat. Also they are in a serious drought and the governer (pretty sure spelled that wrong) wants to build a fast train instead of a pipeline.
    also Wisconsin shouldnt be a state, south canada #Packerssuck #aaronrodgersshouldjustretire #Lionswinsuperbowlthisyear
    sluards arent known for their spelling and grammer.
  3. This would be the first Super Bowl the Lions won. Ever.

    Sad fer u lelz.
  4. …i know. As long as defense stays strong and offense doesnt crumble they have a playoff spot guarunteed (spelled wrong... what is wrong with me today)
  5. Silly Sluard Cowboys will win the Super Bowl this season. Jones made sure to pay the replay official this season unlike last season.
  6. hahahahaha romo had an alright season, but hes gonna choke again.. no murray to do all the running. 1 more month! Trying to go to the Chargers Lions game
  7. At birth, a baby elephant weighs about 250 Lbs, on average. This makes them the biggest babies on earth, besides Cowboy's fans.
  8. I haven't followed football that closely since Seattle Curbstomped The Broncos.
  9. Who will win the NFC East?
  10. Sluarding isn't easy ! I AM NICK CAGE!!!
  11. I love Sluard now.
  12. Mandatory Nic cage movie of the week: Next.

    Get on it
  13. Can we watch it together daph <3
  14. Mandatory movie of the Week: Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation

    This movie is awesome. Better than Ghost Protocol in my opinion.
  15. who is this Tom cruise? how can this be any good if there is no cage? WHY are they making action movies with out Nick cage?The Sluards beat me if I don't rep the Nick
  16. @narwhal they do have a qb problem. Never actually seen bradford play and he will probably get injured. And with sanchez and tebow as backups. They never shouldve traded Foles.

    Next is a great movie and you all better watch it or be punished by the Nic Cage gods.
  17. Mandatory movie of the week is ant man :p great movie
  18. I agree they picked a good cast,I think they made the movie worth watching.
  19. Haven't seen it yet. Superhero fatigue has hit me since Thor 2, but Avenger: AoU restored my faith, as well as DEADPOOL TRAILER OMFG.