The logic of people confuses me. You get a chance for *extra items* with a event that gives you very helpful items which can cost you money to obtain. Yet when devs put a price tag on 2x the amount you get in a day, people cry about money grabbing. :| I mean the logic of some people just buffle me. /).-
My girlfriend made me watch 50 shades and we can both agree that it was just ****. Biggest waste of £7 in my entire life, it was woeful
Your $20 would be wasted. I was one of the few Nuke assault builds in FC, designed for up-hitting, a direct contrast to the typical build at the time which was Dark Matter defense build. The war was not over me specifically, sean. Basically FC had a Cold War going on - Z/Dominatos vs Nerds/Infinatas. The FC war actually out-spent KaW at that time, because basically people were nobbing ridiculous amounts to strip each other. Info on that here in Interview with A Thinking Ape. The devs brokered a short-term ceasefire that fell through after a few months, when the old war generals went inactive, and there was no one to keep a lid on the old grudges. But yes, Phalanx did join as a result of my strips, in addition to the strip-hitting of PSG and Xeph.
We felt reel feels back then I would list it as: 1). The feeling of teamwork spanning timezone, culture, and language 2). The feeling of absolute YOLO (especially in the last month) 3). Not needing any fancy badge or sword - only our own reputations, which spoke for themselves. I think I am nostaglic today. :lol:
Sluard! I desire your opinion on something. Edit: forgot to say his name three times Sluard Sluard Sluard
one of sluards has informed me that it was kind of boring. I've also heard its great from other non-Sluard sources. I haven't seen it and I know nic cage isn't in it I'd watch it just to watch it and if it's a waste of time #blamebob
I had a similar build to yours, but I never understood why people used the full defence building. I've always been about a strong offence