Hazzy's Hideout

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Hazzernater, Aug 27, 2014.

  1. Hippies won only because they lured bigger players to their side with free cheese and pachouli.,,a few whom were supposed to be on Republican side didn't show at last min. The player formerly known as SLAYER succumbed to the call of hippie chicks and free cheese and switched sides, It was a fun war despite the tactics used by the evil hippies...we should try and get a war or 3 going here... 
  2. Future Combat?

  3. Jesus I go away for a day and this thread explodes again  Anyone got any plans for valentines day? Other than playing KaW and posting memes in his thread
  4. I've been told it's a surprise  what's your scheme hazzy?

    And rofl moody!! 

    And what tactics slty? You mean the power of LOVE. Cos yeah we dominated that.  flower power.
  5. [​IMG]

    Hope this makes everyone's Monday better :3
  6. Aww, that cat is so cute!!
  7. I remember the communist Tex in FC and his alts. Shady liked silencing him :lol:
  8. Tex was a pansy and did not like sheldor. Sheldor cursed tex with the stench of the wildebeest to follow tex all the days of life 
  9. this... This is why I want to be a crazy cat lady when I grow up. I can't stop watching it. I'm besotted.
  10. Cats are communist gift to the world
  11. someone told the Sluards nic cage was in the car
  12. Ive seen them do similar for hot pockets.

  13. :eek: did someone say Hot Pockets?
  14. Me watching these cat gifs over and over.

  15. Do you still love me guys?
  16. zeth. you need to calm down a bit. watch some cats on the internets.
  17. This thread and zeth...