Hazzy's Hideout

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Hazzernater, Aug 27, 2014.

  1. My bad. Misread that.

    The hell are meggings?
  2. according to goggle, they are something that should be burned on sight.
  3. Mens leggings. Jeggings are jean leggings.

  4. ^see? burn them on sight.
  5. Can I haz one? For feline size :cool:
  6. no. you must wear keggings.
  7. I were Zeggings.

    And Jeans, because **** yeah.
  8. That's as bad as man Uggs
  9. Men + leggings
  10. There are man Uggs..
  11. Meggings how do men fit there nuts in them is it magic or something because even wranglers are too tight down there for me.
  12. Men who wear these obviously don't have nuts
  13. Oh god. That's not attractive 
  14. I am writing a short story.
    It's called The Con.

    A man named Jayson Bradford is a con man, and the story takes place before, during, and after his biggest Job, a Bank.
  15. Just wondering what fc
  16. future communists. its a radical left wing hippy commune.
  17. What he said
  18. We did have communists in FC... Or similar.

    Hippies/democratics vs Republicans SW (hippies won)