i do approve of screaming and driving like a lunatic down city streets. i just don't approve of watching someone else do it.
They are driving a prius. For maximized driving experience, a five star driver safety rating, and less environmental damage.
and incredibly deadly. do you have any idea how many blind people have been killed by priuses because they are to quiet to hear coming? priui? prius's?....whatever. well do you? i don't either. but i'm sure its alot. so you support killing blind people. ev0l hippy.
Hahahaha! Well that reasoning is perfect with no misplaced causality whatsoever. I accept your accusations, sir.
Daph, you smell good. I want to capture your essence in a jar. Name it Ginger Snaps. BECAUSE IMMA GONNA SNAP YO DAMN NECK WHEN I DONE WIT YOU. Sorry. Feeling passive aggressive. Or just aggressive. And creepy.
Come back, word. We can share organic granola recipes. Edit: yeah breh thats pretty creepster. Lets avoid threatening to harm each other, k?