Discussion in 'Wars' started by CORE-JR, Jan 24, 2013.


    Oh wait im growing to join .Alpha.

    Btw Bitches the slayer is back
    So you better watch your back
  2. Lol regulars and puppy dog are a garbage clan ! Plz dnt farm me lmao bahahahahah
  3. Wellll
    Idk about you but free ua is always nice
  4. How about we all stop the talk and let our actions do the talking? You guys cool with that?
  5. Hmm. I'm in he fence in this. From a certain point of view, this could be seen as psychological warfare. It must burn their enemies knowing they have no problem finishing EBs and EE while they can't. Alpha seems to be finishing EBs alright as well.
  6. I like that houston guy ! He seems to like to farm regulators always challenges them and they never do anything about it . I can't say I dnt admire he's style !
  7. Request for CF and a apology to the Reg family. Will not have this happen again
  8. *facepalm* Core... You've lost all but a hair of my respect. Metal... Go easy on him. I'm just hoping he was drunk or something 
  9. iG will never back down in this war and core i would never have said sorry to anyone dude grow some balls and either take your ass kicking or fight back

    Never let some one punk you by telling you they will make you a perm farm
  10. Really core it's a war game what u play for fight back!!! 
  11. Who/when was eagle a mod?
  12. Btw core is a merc guest in our clan. He does not speak for us.

    Se7en s1ns Alliance council hav already voted and decided tat we will take a neutral stance in the two major osw tats going on now. Any 7s member tat enters a clan tat is in an osw, will be for personal reasons and is on their own.
  13.  I always like the change of tone as these type of threads take their course.
  14. Nothing wrong with attempting Ee to get mith - spells and equipments helps in OSW  OSW are often long and resource draining and ee is a great way to unwind for a few hours 
  15. I dont speak for regs, but as far as im concerned, we have bigger fish to fry than the op. we finish ebs, we win ee wars, and we strip relentlessly in current osw(along with our alliance). What else is there in kaw? We run the gambit of what this game is
  16. Did that guy on top say finish EB :O lmao
    Bahahahahahaha !