Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Can someone please bump Martyn's recent thread on defense towers and static defense?
    Thank you. :D
  2. Which section is it in?
  3. Looked up Martyn and the thread, couldn't find it. I'll again quick though
  4. I can't reply to the new eb update. Any ideas?
  5. Go to Questions/Feedback section and access the thread from there, it should let you post then bro.
  6. You cant post by going into AT, you have to go through the sections.
  7. Does battle fury work on ebs? And how much extra damage does it give you?
  8. Strictly, it temporarily adds to your strength. It does effect the damage you do on epic battles, but not by a set amount. It all just depends on your current strength and the epic battle you're in.
  9. You will however notice a plunder increase, however minor, due to the static increase in the strength of your actions.
  10. Is it worth it to keep it on for the extra you'd get with the bonus, because of the increase in your average damage?
  11. Yes, I would say so. You will earn more than enough with the spell on than without it, to cover the costs.
  12. One last question, how long do mangos stay ripe?
  13. Once they are ripe, they are ripe. How long until they rot, depends on how they are stored and their previous conditions.
  14. Well, that didnt answer my question at all
  15. There is a whole array of information on the internet at your disposal to answer your question.
  16. I figured you were an expert given, you know..
  17. No, I'm not an expert. Im just showing my appreciation for a delicious piece of fruit.
  18. Anyone know the battles needed to be on the battles lb?