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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. What gives better ally plunder bonus
    2 vol or 5 SOS?
  2. So, the whole deal with this renamed thing.. I don't get to choose a name? Or am i stuck with this renamed4615 or w/e. Guess it's just another way for them to make money if i have to spend 20 nobs on it when they changed it. It was not inappropriate at all. Hey kaw devs, you might want to go tell the people that actually club baby seals that their name is inappropriate too. Are you going to take away their name?
  3. @goldenspade: I am quite sure that 5 SoS will contribute more to the plunder than 2 volaries (I assume at the highest lvl).

    However.... 2 volaries vs 5 SoS will leave you with 3 open lands ;) You didn't tell us what you would build on those. This will tilt the equation towards volaries, except if building towers...
  4. @ kassio
    Thank you for the swift reply, I am trying to determine if HL towers (assuming 2:5 ratio to ll towers) sacrifice more or less plunder :) from what you have said it would appear that they sacrifice less
  5. Yes, you will retain the most plunder by building T5 towers on highlands, if you go for the same static def stats. The predominant factor for lost plunder will be the numbers of lands you have to sacrifice for towers.

    T5 towers come at a high price though.

    Common consensus was the following: Build T5 towers on highlands if you want to keep them for a longer period of time (high investment but least plunder drop). Build T2 towers on lowland if you think about replacing them soon again (lowest investment but heavier plunder impact).
  6. How do you change your name on KaW???
  7. You can either reset or spend 20 nobility points at the oracle.

    Get nobility by buying it with real cash or through a very low drop chance on quests.
  8. Can Kaw help me out buy back cherrykitten allies.
  9. Not a relevant questions, your already own her.
  10. I have looked and still can't find a post or link that gives added plunder amount for t5 buildings. Wulfs post says to be updated but think there has been sufficient time since released.!
  11. Sufficient is a relative term. Maybe he is busy or in a real life crisis. The fact that he took the time in the first place to get the first batch of information should be enough for you to realize that he deserves better than enough time has passed.

    If you cant find it then try out the increases for yourself.
  12. What exactly are you looking for, Zaabor?

    You will never find any value for a net plunder per building type as those values depend on plenty of factors (and noone has managed to reverse engineer the plunder mechanism yet).

    T5 plunder > T4 plunder in most cases...
  13. If I reset can change my user name
  14. Yes.

    But you loose everything but archievments, active spells, speakers, nobility, Xtals, and pro packs.
  15. Haunt... what's the best buold to get the most monry from haunt....
  16. 1 volv lv3, 1 castle lv3, 24 Coe lv3, 24 colonies lv3.
  17. My best guesses would be guild hansel (who can hit with little to no pots), hansel, and hybrid
  18. Ian, your guess is so off. Guilds don't make that much. :lol:
  19. A build in which you use many crystals, don't fail any attacks, and get all teh items.