Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. What are the EB's that do drops?
  2. Reckoning, Origins, NML, Destroyer, NQ, FOD, COTD, after that, basically everything.
  3. To save time look in strategy section of forums and look for wulfs eb guide, anything ya need to know about ebs is in there :)
  4. What is the recommended stats to start hitting Haunts? What does your attack have to be to be able to do a full unload?
  5. As soon as you get lvl 2 castle.

    That's my opinion though
  6. Ok thanks. I haven't been an attack build for about a year and a half so I have no idea. :lol:
  7. When i upgrade to level3 castle will it let me put volary on lowlands
  8. Souls I get a land or a vol?
  9. Should* Get a land.
  10. Depends. How much is the land?
  11. What should I do first, Upgrade my 4 hatcheries from L2 to L3, or get more allies to sell?
  12. Having an issue creating a PC account..Keep getting a security issue.Have account I want to get one on my PC.Can you offer any help
  13. Use Facebook, not Mochi.
  14. If that doesn't work then.....

    You're doomed.

    I never recommend removing your anti-virus (assuming it's the one giving you the security problem), even for 5 minutes 100's if virus could get into your computer.
  15. [Colour=gold] testing [colour/]
    When will we be getting rancor equipment?
  16. 31st May


  17. Gold in bold!

    The devs have said they'll release a sneak-peek of the new equipment some time this week. :p
