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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. How are we supposed to know?

  2. If you have 25 volaries, you will get more plunder than if those buildings were guilds. However, the conversion from guilds to volaries is strange...
  3. you could use the buildings and land guide to do the math.

    or maybe there is some sort of build calculator available.
  4. So would it be ok to convert one by one or would it be better to mass convert like with SOS
  5. mass converting to volaries would be crazy expensive. besides i never had plunder do anything but go up when i converted.
  6. But the troop plunder will go up for a hansel if I convert to vols? Or is guild hansel better? I guess my question is which build is better, guild or vol hansel
  7. Is Swabia still giving out castle codes?

  8. ask him. if he doesn't answer you the first time, keep asking until he does.
  9. It helps when you call him the Little EB Fairy when asking, I've learned.
  10. Great answers guys :lol:
  11. I know right?

    Very helpful.
  12. What are these bronze bars for?
  13. No reason for yet, just fast banking and an alternative reward for item eb's when you already have the equipment.
  14. do hybrids skim with both bars?? seems like more of a pain
  15. If you buy a pro pack, can you level up the item you get with aqua and inferno? I need to know xD
  16. I don't think so
  17. No you can't, you can only do that with non-permanent items(items that don't survive resets)
  18. What is the AVERAGE not fixed, amount of time to get armplates?