Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. How do you post gifs on forums
  2. I did but they don't move
  3. Here is the gif I tried to post

  4. [​IMG]
    That's strange..
  5. i cant see movement either. either: check the frames, or check the file format.
  6. Do you put them through pb? And also when I save it it goes to images, I'm on iPad though so maybe that's why.
  7. idk fries :/ i dont even have an apple product, so i couldnt say. you dont *need* to go through pb, but it helps with resizing.
  8. I will try again [​IMG]
  9. I can get them directly off of pb lol
  10. That works.
  11. Ok some dont work I can't figure out the resize on them
  12. Awesome, it works. If you want to try out anymore of them, do it in Tortois' thread about BB codes, not in question thread 
  13. You can't resize GIFs that I know of
  14. How come Mercenary Inc. Is smaller now? And did it go inactive for a reason?
  15. Probably smaller now cause most were there fir EE, most likely
  16. They were down for a while.. But I can only tell by their epic battle log. Why they have so few members is probably related to EE war season