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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. I think it depends on the size of the hitter compared to you.
  2. They have the same mechanics in EE. Only able to be hit with gold out.
  3. If an account has a pro pack, does that mean the developers will never delete it, no matter how old it is?
  4. Before you read please no guesses, I want you to tell me from experience.

    I'm looking for a price range 130B -400B where it's the best place to find active high stat allies
  5. Probably from WC, or the Ally Hiring list.
  6. Did you even read the first part?
  7. Yes. You said active. If they're on WC, that means they're active.
  8. Zach, where else would you find an ally? There are some ways(like friends tying to get rid of an ally) but not many.
  9. I sense a ZachGhost poser :|
  10. lol char no, I dropped build for war. Haven't been active really in forums since December. Kinda lost its touch when GU left and others.
  11. I thought Grammer just joined Inter-Mass

  12. That's the real Ghost. 
  13. Who runs the forum again? It's not ata, I know that much.
  14. @Strictly
    Its something like "phpbb" or something. On PC is says on the very bottom
  15. That's just the code/language used.
  16. No phpbb is the software used for forums.
  17. [​IMG]

    This is my signature, it loves you.