Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. There isnt one. Farming is a player made term.
  2. Just go with 10hits
  3. R u certain? I heard vol and sos make more
  4. Can someone please bump the war crystals thread?
  5. Since I don't want to make a thread or anything, I'm posting this question here:

    Me, Mew and sone others are making a clan called "Pocket Monsters Inc."

    So I was wondering if anyone would like to join?

    I'm spending 100 nobs on this clan so I would like to get 10-15 people before I make the clan.

    I think so far I have around 5-6.

    No haters okay?
  6. This isn't really a thread for clan ads.

    Have some fun putting together a clan doctorate..some pics...and make a thread.

    It's not terribly difficult. There are threads on how to make a decent thread..how to post pics..and maybe study some clan advertisement threads.
  7. Making a clan thread in advance of the creation of the clan is also a good way to guage people's responses to your clan upon creation and the level of support that you will likely get for it.
  8. How do you post gifs? I.e how to you get them from a website and post on forums
  9. Same way as an image.
  10. Do you need photobucket then?
  11. Not necessarily, if you can get the URL and it is less than or equal to 600x600 then you can use the URL straight with img bbcodes.
  12. Go on photobucket search what your looking for and then just put gif after it. Atleast that's what I do.
  13. Tht was just a tester, thank;)
  14. I have an iPhone 4S and can't copy pm's. Can anyone else on an iDevice do it?
  15. @Shadow
    I usually play on my 4th gen Ipod Touch and I can copy fine. Try resetting the app maybe?