Re: PostQuestionsHere You have to view the thread from the top of any of the normal sections of the forums. The thread is officially in the news section, which is all locked, but can be accessed from all sections. When accessed from active topics, it is as if you're going through the news section.
Re: PostQuestionsHere Keep ur allies or else u plunder will go down a lot and u won't be able to upgrade. Trust me
Re: PostQuestionsHere Active allies are worthless at your stats, you wouldn't be able to keep them.
Re: PostQuestionsHere My clan is doin no quarter for the first time today. Do u have any tips on finding the sweet spot on phase 4?
Re: PostQuestionsHere hansels still can make attack money allies are good for you now keep they also give you a stas boost and thank you for your alt resetting on me
Re: PostQuestionsHere Question what gives you better chances at getting mirth in a war assassin or attack
Re: PostQuestionsHere And another question if the other side forfeits will we still get the mirth that we worked for