Here is a fancy list of current mods And here is a fancy list of past ones From TORTOIS3 and wulf respectively.
My spies suck. At quick look at my stats and you'll agree. KaWing with the volume on the other day I noticed that when I send my spies out on a mission, whether it be assassinate, steal or scout on either PvP or PvE, they make a lot of noise. They actually make about the same amount of noise as my troops do. They're supposed to be sneaky! No wonder they always fail and die! Spies are supposed to be quiet. Stupid spies! So my question is, do big spies accounts make any noise?
Hmm... I love that question and I was honestly contemplating myself why, is spies were any good at all, would my enemy get an update that he was scouted, or why he either of us would lose scouts??
Big spies I assume meaning grown up. Grown ups eat a lot, compared to smaller spies. With rising obesity rates, it would just make more sense for an account with many more ready spies to be less-sneaky than one with less spies.
Lemme rephrase. A bigger spy account has more spies, yes? So with more spies comes more noise, especially if the spies are grown up. Imagine a 40- year old trying to be sneaky compared a 15-year old. Now imagine 20k 15-year olds attempting a mission and 40k 40-year olds (arbitrary numbers).
But I never feed my spies, because they suck. I don't like them. It is why I send them on suicidal scout bomb missions. They also never make it to 40yo. Generally they only survive a few mins past regen.
Hmm..maybe it's in the genetics. I suggest completely rebuilding. If you're creating genetically inferior spies, then you will ALWAYS create genetically inferior spies. Take 'em out at the source.
I have a question about my build, I want to have 10 CoE and 10 Cursed Foundries, with either 4 Spy Defense towers or 2 spy defense towers and 2 SoS. (For my lowlands, ill probably copy the same build for my HLs) Which do you guys think would be better? Wall me or pm me please thanks
What amount of attack would be needed to hit haunts, like 750K? Also which eb would be best for a GH LLC and 4 colonies lv1 on the HL?
@ Clarent My attack is 3k - and I can hit haunts. It really is a matter of building until you succeed. Pots/equipment/Mith all make it possible now. Do some experimentation.