Re: PostQuestionsHere Probably more, they have about 15-20T in allies, probably even more. With all that they might even have other LB players in allies which cause them to make loads.
Re: PostQuestionsHere I've had a question for a while now, does anyone know how clan prestige is configured?
Re: PostQuestionsHere It is configured by winning wars and how much you won the war by... a lot of people including myself think it's pretty useless because Most clans with high prestige are just old Pwar clans. So it really doesn't count for anything... Make Sense?
Re: PostQuestionsHere By the strength of the opponent you warred, if you war a clan stronger then you your prestige will go up more then if you war a clan the same strength as you. Not by the amount you win by
Re: PostQuestionsHere For the first four LC resets, you get perm items that add to your stats. You also get 50 additional ally slots each reset.
Re: PostQuestionsHere After the first 4 resets you quit getting stat bonuses but you do keep getting 50 allies per reset. And there is no cap on how many times you can reset
Re: PostQuestionsHere so i see in forums how to upload a pic to photobucket, but how do you get the file from computer to your forum post? I can't seem to find the info anywhere
Re: PostQuestionsHere Ok I have a question. Please wall me the answer When a clan has a stat requirement, like 150k stats, how can you tell if you meet the stat requirement? Thanks _LightSaber_ ~~
Re: PostQuestionsHere You can't ask a question here and ask people to wall you the answer. You add up all your stats where it says bonus to allies. Make sure you aren't looking where it simply says "stats" because those are your stats in raw form and those are not used in common talk about combined stats.
Re: PostQuestionsHere I can't download PhotoBucket do I use PhotoBucket mobile on my iPod. I'm wondering, can I crop images and post them on forums still? If so how?
Re: PostQuestionsHere Well you can go on photobucket online and save the img codes in your e-mail drafts.