A smart method kat is to save up then convert at once from a former build. Unless you reset and are starting over it shouldn't be hard
They wish to play the game, instead of being spammed by requested locks, silences, ect. Or their real lives get in the way.
They resigned because they felt a need to. E it reasons listed by others or reasons unknown it was their personal decision and only the individual themselves can verify with true certainty
Sorry one more question. Can you only link our PC account to our iPod from your PC once you know your UDID?
Yup. Don't think you need the UDID though. This thread has all the info you need - http://bit.ly/AirlwO
What item is a bronze bar? I earned a lot of them in a recent eb and I can't even find them in my profile...
Bronze Bars Cost $30mil in the marketplace thy ate used for banking gold. You can sell them for a 60% return, I forget what they sell for exactly lol