Hi. Where can I find info about the new EB's? You know which item to use what are the drops and all other useful infos. That Wulf handbook doesn't show last three tiers.
Wulf's shows all up to T8, for T8 have a look at Phoenix's thread in Strategy called Skorpios the Destroyer.
The Rancor's Curse spell is needed to hit the second phase in The Vanished Paladins EB. You'll need Rancor's Vision to get past the first phase, so getting the Curse spell from winning an EE war won't allow you to do the EB.
You get Rancor's Vision(p1) AND Rancor's Curse(p2) from No match up. If you win a war, you get the curse...which makes no sense because: 1. You don't have Vision so can't get past p1 to be able to hit p2 using the Curse 2. If you leave the clan, you lose it anyway... So, I don't see a point in it
drops and crystals Re: Post Questions Here Its starting to get extremely aggravating because I cant access my Google account to purchase anything and I haven't received any drops since I first started playing this game. Can someone please help me out and tell me what I'm doing wrong with not being able to obtain any items!!!
Says the guy with arm plates... Honestly just grow stronger. The harder the hits, more likely to get equip.
Yeah bud. Item drops are random and as long as you keep hitting item EBs you'll increase your chance of getting items. Also, if you can get enough mith from winning EE/Rancor Wars then you can buy equipment. However, having fully upgraded equipment from EBs will help you get Mith Equipment. Also, on the topic of your Google Play issue, A Thinking Ape can't help you with that issue. You'll need Google Play customer sup port to resolve that issue. The only thing ATA will help you with Google Play issues is when there is a mischarge due to an error in which case ATA can refund any wrongful charges.
Sorry with that last run on sentence: ** The only Google Play issue ATA can resolve is when there is a mischarge due to an error with Google Play. In those cases ATA can refund any wrongful charges.**
Hang in there Michael, my alt got both the ring and shoulders from ToC @ 14k cs. You'll get them eventually.
if i get trapped in a clan because they are doing a war and i'm not participating, will hitting the reset button clear me out of it or will it tell me i can't reset till the war is over?