Also, I forgot to mention... I found that all pictures display without any issues when viewing KaW forums from a separate web browser. There were issues with this method early on but it works as an alternative now if you can't access forums from a PC.
I'm not too happy r now. Just went to upgrade my 1st hatchery to lvl 2, took my 50b. Showed the pic w/hooks. Then wanted to see lvl 3 inc so looked again and back to lvl 1!!!!. It's slow growing as is to lose 50b.....
It may have upgraded anyway, but your device isnt showing it. Try closing it completely, or asking a friend to scout you and see.
Hey bud, I just scouted your build. You're only Hatchery is definitely lvl 2. Just wanted to let you know in case you are still wondering! :geek:
Is it wierd if I won't post on the second half of active topics just because I don't want to bump dying threads, even if I have a good point to make?
Is there any thread that leads you to make a successful attack build alt, but that alt has over 1m CS, and I can't find what eb is best for him... I forgot what I did when I was 1m CS...
1 mil is probably good for Origins and NML. Soon move him to haunts, then you should know what to do.
My plunder from am eb does not match the gold I receive from the eb . Is this normal? This happens often for me