Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Ok i am having probs with pm says i have one mssg but no new messages appear and also i have reset app
  2. Same here, just say "mark all as read" it fixes it.
  3. Scrolling to find it also works.
  4. How do I get my bfa from ally's

    Do I times it by 0.02 or something

    And how much is the 7.5m pot in raw stats?
  5. Yes, take your allies stats and multiply it by .02
  6. Divide it by 50 if it's easier.

    The raw stats of the 7.5m pot is 23m.
  7. Y are quests so stingy -__-
  8. Wat clan should i join
  9. Join a good clan which helps you to grow.
  10. Bumping to AT so people can be enlightened. :D
  11. What are bronze bars good for?
  12. They are for fast banking.
    Costs 30m, returns 22.5 I think.
  13. I here rumors of a secret purpose behind bronze bars. Why would they be given from ebs if only to sell. When we already get gold?
  14. It's like the hidden treasure or whatever.
  15. When bronze bars came out, Moose had been throwing around an idea about a "trading" market of some sort. The idea of buying and selling at certain points for a gain came into play...but it seems whatever idea was behind it, it lost steam in development.

    It is now solely used to bank fast. The rate of resale is the same as att/def pots.
  16. My Kaw name is Red_Dog91 and two accounts got perma banned and would like to know why. One is my sons and the other is my alt. Soul_Reaver and the_distubed_one. Nobody was on when it happened. And they did nothing wrong?
  17. Send an email to support@athinkingape.com

    Nothing we can do for you here in forums.