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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. That changes based on how many actions you have in an eb and how many participants. I dont think anyone knows the exact formula, just keep trying and maybe go for some ee wars and then you can get a better drop rate.
  2. I actually believe a system pulls random numbers, if your numbers match, CONGRATS! Yay! :lol:
  3. ╥╖╔╗╥╖

    Does anyone know the application where I can write in this font? How do people make it?
  4. Search the app store for Unicode, and you should be able to find them.
  5. I want hl vol ll tl is that a good build and does anyone know exact stats from it?
  6. 1888128/2488320 atk/def
    4018500/4018500 spy

    If you want a hybrid like that, then yes it is a good build.
  7. For ee wars does the lock happen when you sign up? Or later? I'm just a little unclear on it
  8. They lock after match-ups
  9. Great, now explain it to me like I'm extremely blonde lol
  10. Soon as sign up finishes it locks
  11. So at the two hours before the actual war starts? Thanks
  12. Should I get T4 or T5 towers? I want to get 4
  13. Should I get T4 or T5 towers L? i want 4
  14. Would it be better to put 18 lvl 3 colonies up or 9 lvl 3 torture gardens + 9 lvl 3 hatcheries?
  15. All this T5 nonsense :( I need to unlock T5
  16. 18 colonies is better
  17. How do I disengage Estoc and why can members start an Estoc?
  18. I believe you press onto the estoc button on and press a button that drops you out :D
    However matches are made so no dropping out now :(
  19. You can drop out by leaving the clan.