Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Hmm. That doesn't belong in this thread
  2. Shut up. It's a question isn't it?!
  3. Naughty Corsiva
  4. I have no alts...

    Or do I...? ;)
  5. Smilez you do lol but does anyone have the sword? And if so anyone maxed it?
  6. I have abyssal blade...you mean Diamondiferous or mith sword?
  7. What is this banana build that I'm hearing about? 0.o
  8. Banana Build? Is there a Smoothie Build?
  9. (; I hope so
  10. Mmk. Sry, I dunno anyone who has that.
  11. Soulreaper?
  12. Check out nmnmnm1 with lv5 soul reaper. Don't know anyone with higher
  13. Why are there orange/yellow propack banner backgrounds and blue ones? What's the difference between them?
  14. Which EB have Equipment drops???
  15. Forums>Strategy>Wulf's guide to epic battles
  16. Now answer my question someone. 
  17. @cr - blue ones appear when miths are activated.
  18. Do the following epic battles:

    Reckoning - Hooves of destruction 700k attack
    Origins - Hystracidae Helmet 270k spy
    No Mans Land - Leonine arm plate 3m atk
    Destroyer - Armor of eternal fire 5% s def
    No Quarter - Nether Realm Breastplate 5m def
    City of the Dead - Ice Guardian's shield 5% def
    Figure of Death - Abyssal blade 10% atk/s atk OR Diamondiferous 5.5m atk/2.1m s atk
    Talons of Carnage - Silica Ring of silence 675k spy or Quicksilver plates 5m atk/def
    New Growth - Searing Sickle - 1.4m atk
    Scionic Storm - Torrent Talisman 5m def/675k sdef
    Sporavek's Revenge - Iron Guantlets 2m atk/1.2m satk
    The Barren Orchard - Gold plated Greaves - 12m def/sdef and Steadfast Sollerets 700k atk/1.4m def/1m sdef
    Terrain Trevails - Viridescent shield - 1m spy OR Aurete Bracer 8m spy
    Crossing the Threshold - Stalwart Helm 2m def/470k s def
    Cave of Riches - Vermeil Breastplate 2.8m def/1.8m sdef
    The Gilded Lord - Enchanted Snare ring 200k atk/def OR Crown of Virtue 1m def/3.5m def OR Electric Storm Bow 14m atk/7m satk

    There ya go.