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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. hahah lol lagging forum
  2. is this on pc?

    is this game on pc?
  3. Yes, kingdomsatwar.com
  4. KaW Town

  5. Jam you need to shorten your link at Bitly.

    But I don't have a link to it
  6. Anyone else find that the way their google images are displayed has changed?
  7. I guess it's just me then. Coz I can no longer just google an image and copy the URL anymore.
  8. What do you use?
  9. What are you browsing on? Phone? Chrome? Firefox?
  10. I have no issues on a PC
  11. To show you what I mean... When I google images, and choose the one I want, it will open like this


    In the past, you could bring down the URL so that you could copy and paste that and put it in as an IMG.

    But now it's gone, and is now an easy flip through set up, so you can easily slide through the images and hit the x when you wanna escape the view.
  12. have you tried to hold down on the photo? I have an android but my bf has a iPhone. When he holds downon the photo he can usually get the link.

    If that doesn't work try restarting your phone.
  13. It seems like your phone updated and a newer versionof internet was updated as well.
  14. Yep I tried all that.

    I think it happened when it updated to iOS 6.1.2
  15. So now I either have to get on a PC, or save the image and upload it to pb. Which is a pain :'(