Post Questions Here

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. No, question answered...
  2. I'm delighted to help volley. I never said I wouldn't just this belongs in wc.
  3. Hi, i dont want to buy xtals so i am questing for nobs, (i have done all quests) i have recently done 200 of the first quest and not got one Nob  do certain quests have a better drop rate?
  4. Nope all the same. Just keep doing the first or second one and you should get a drop. It seems like drop rate has gone down though, I did 300 quests with no nob drop
  5. ok thanks! Im questing inbetween EE's to tty and get 10nobs but it takes a lot of troops :(
  6. I am unable to attack anything at the moment. Any ideas
  7. Force quit the app, or close the screen if on a PC, and reopen it. Or try turning your phone off and on
  8. Thanks will give it a go
  9. Worked a treat thanks alot
  10. i have a kindle fire hd that i am trying to link my pc account to but i get an error "Kingdoms at War is misconfigured for Facebook login. Press Okay to go back to the application without connecting it to Facebook" I have signed into Facebook with my UID without issue just wondering why I cannot link to the kindle. any help would be appreciated and wanted to try here before i send something over to support@athinkingape.com
  11. How come Mochigames KaW on my Computer won't load. And it's not there's anything wrong with it because its a brand new windows 8.
  12. Your browser could have something to do with it, also Mochi sometimes gives a whitescreen and you need to retry to connect.
  13. I have reloaded it like 10 times and it won't work.
  14. And my browser is up o date I'm pretty sure. It doesn't say I need to install anything or anything like that.
  15. What browser do you use?
  16. I use Big at the moment